Our people


Our people

Connecting people for a stronger CPI

Connecting people for a stronger CPI

Connecting people for a stronger CPI

At CPI, we celebrate our differing backgrounds and experiences that make us an empowered collective of incredible people.

At CPI, we celebrate our differing backgrounds and experiences that make us an empowered collective of incredible people.

At CPI, we celebrate our differing backgrounds and experiences that make us an empowered collective of incredible people.

Building a community of different backgrounds for a stronger and more diverse CPI, empowered by the collective experiences of our incredible people.
Building a community of different backgrounds for a stronger and more diverse CPI, empowered by the collective experiences of our incredible people.
Building a community of different backgrounds for a stronger and more diverse CPI, empowered by the collective experiences of our incredible people.

Our Diversity and Inclusion affinity groups provide our people with a space to meet with others from communities they identify with and offer opportunities for those who want to support people in marginalised groups. The members of the groups work together to share experiences and create positive change.

Disabilities, hidden conditions, and carers (DHCC)

Disabilities, hidden conditions, and carers (DHCC)

Disabilities, hidden conditions, and carers (DHCC)

Profile photo of Rachel Lee, DHCC Chair.

Rachel Lee



Profile photo of Rachel Lee, DHCC Chair.

Rachel Lee



Profile photo of Amira Ali, DHCC Co-Chair.

Amira Ali



Profile photo of Amira Ali, DHCC Co-Chair.

Amira Ali



We’re a group for everyone who identifies as having a disability, hidden condition or illness (physical or mental), people with caring responsibilities that impact their work and daily lives, and those who simply want to offer their support.

Raising awareness and improving access for those at CPI identifying as having a disability or caring responsibilities.

We focus on raising awareness, supporting policy development, and improving the access and accommodation available for disabled staff and visitors to CPI.

In 2022, we...

  • Marked Neurodiversity Celebration week with a talk from CPI’s Scott Gorman on experiences from a neurodiverse perspective.

  • Collaborated with the HR team on enhancing policies that affect those working with a disability, hidden condition or caring responsibilities.

  • Created a calendar of awareness days and events for 2023.

Next steps

  • Helping to improve access to work guidance and sickness absence policy.

  • Hosting talks and raising awareness around events.

As someone who has a hidden condition, I think it’s important to advocate for myself and others who are affected by one.

Kristi Porter

Process Engineer

Women in CPI (WiCPI)

Women in CPI (WiCPI)

Women in CPI (WiCPI)

Profile photo of Yvonne Armitage, WiCPI Chair.

Yvonne Armitage



Profile photo of Yvonne Armitage, WiCPI Chair.

Yvonne Armitage



Profile photo of Abi Sawyer, WiCPI Co-Chair.

Abi Sawyer



Profile photo of Abi Sawyer, WiCPI Co-Chair.

Abi Sawyer



WiCPI is for people of any gender who want to work towards equity for women at CPI. It’s also a safe space for people of any gender to seek support or guidance on any gender-related concerns. As a new affinity group, we’re still finding our feet, but we’ll have lots of updates over the coming year and beyond.

Working towards equality for women working at CPI and in the wider science and technology industry.

Next steps

  • Ensuring CPI’s communications, platforms and policies align with our vision for gender equity.

  • Increasing mentorships for women and increasing the number of women becoming mentors to help ensure every woman achieves her potential.

  • Developing a calendar of social events for networking opportunities.

Having seen first-hand gender gaps in the workplace over the last two decades, I’m excited to be a part of the WiCPI group and continuing to help raise awareness and building a community of like-minded colleagues who champion inclusivity.

Yvonne Armitage

Director of Biotechnology, CPI


While gender equality is improving all the time, there’s still some way to go, particularly due to the influences of the pandemic/working from home era which have had a greater impact on women’s pay and advancement. I’m excited to see the group continue to grow and work closely with the other D&I groups in CPI and the wider network.

Rachel Lee

Project Manager, CPI





Profile photo of Tom Simon, PRISM Chair.

Tom Simpson



Profile photo of Tom Simon, PRISM Chair.

Tom Simpson



Profile photo of George Hurley, PRISM, Co-Chair.

George Hurley



Profile photo of George Hurley, PRISM, Co-Chair.

George Hurley



We’re keen to amplify CPI’s queer voices whilst making a positive impact on our company culture. PRISM provides a safe space for our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, celebrates LGBTQIA+ stories, improves awareness of issues, promotes allyship, and drives change within CPI to support equity for our colleagues.

Rainbow flags

In 2022, we...

  • Became founding members of Pride in Catapult – the cross-Catapult LGBTQIA+ Affinity Group.

  • Implemented gender inclusive toilet facilities at all our sites.

  • Created a calendar of awareness days and events to mark in 2023.

Next steps

  • Developing the Trans Inclusion Policy and Transition at Work Policy and raising awareness of pronouns awareness, allyship, and LGBTQIA+ experiences in the workplace.

  • Support of wider LGBTQIA+ activities across the Catapult, including a roadshow for Pride Month in June.

  • Representing CPI and the High Value Manufacturing Catapult at Northern Pride 2023.

Being part of two affinity groups makes me feel more connected to my communities of LGBTQ+ people and people with disabilities (which in my case are hidden disabilities) and less siloed. I know that I could go to the affinity groups for advice if I needed to, and I feel more empowered to raise any issues.

Hazel Hart

Senior Research Technician


PRISM is passionate about facilitating change within CPI but also acts as a safe space for discussions with likeminded people. I’m extremely proud of the progress that we have made so far, and I am certain that the group will have a long-lasting impact on CPI.

George Hurley

Downstream Scientist


Religion, Culture, and Ethnicity (EmbRACE)

Religion, Culture, and Ethnicity (EmbRACE)

Religion, Culture, and Ethnicity (EmbRACE)

Profile photo of Farai Carter, EmbRACE Chair.

Farai Carter



Profile photo of Farai Carter, EmbRACE Chair.

Farai Carter



EmbRACE welcomes everyone with an interest in finding out more about the diverse religious, minority cultural, and ethnic backgrounds of CPI staff, and how these might influence their daily lives and experience of work.

Exploring the diverse religious, minority cultural, and ethnic backgrounds of CPI community.

Reflecting on 2022

  • In-person events for Black History month, Yalda, Diwali, and Chinese New Year.

  • Understanding Islam “lunch and learn” events.

  • Published guidance for all line managers on how to support employees during Ramadan.

Next steps

  • Continuing to share experiences and challenges, raising awareness of inequalities, and promoting positive action.

  • Supporting the enhancement of policies and procedures for grievances and onboarding from outside of the UK.

  • Celebrating different religious and cultural events throughout the year, such as A Taste of the World: What People Eat and How They Celebrate Around the Globe.

As someone who has experienced and is affected by racism, I take a keen interest in raising awareness, promoting positive actions and engaging in activities to promote equality and equity. The activities of EmBRACE and other affinity groups are important in helping us live out our value of Diverse People, which helps us deliver impactful innovation.

Edwin Ntainjua

Principal Bid Proposal Development Manager

I created this group to raise awareness, educate, celebrate our differences, and embrace those from different minority cultures, ethnic backgrounds and religious beliefs. I hope that these D&I affinity groups feel empowered to proactively challenge the status quo in pursuit of delivering CPI’s purpose, always bringing positive change and solutions to the table.

Farai Carter

Team Leader, Colloid Science

Q&A with Jackie Waring

Q&A with Jackie Waring

Q&A with Jackie Waring

In 2022 we welcomed Jackie Waring to our Board as a Non-Executive Director. Jackie is the founder of Investing Women Angels and AccelerateHER, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

We sat down with her on International Women’s Day to find out more about her commitment to supporting and developing innovative, female-founded companies.

Can you tell me a bit about your background?

I’ll start when I was appointed Chief Executive of the Enterprise Agency in Scotland at only 25. It was a not-for-profit agency helping Scottish SMEs grow and flourish as part of a UK-wide network of enterprise trusts operating in the ‘twilight zone’ between the public and private sectors. Working there gave me a passion for business innovation.

It already sounds as if you are a good fit for CPI! What happened next?

Well, I ran a spin-out company for 3 years, and during that time, I got married and had my son. I had become interested in women’s leadership through a research project at the Enterprise Agency; I took this forward when I was contracted as a policy advisor to UK Government, for what was then the Department for Trade and Industry, investigating barriers to investment in women-led businesses. Only 2% of the business angel community (investing in early-stage companies) was female when we started.

I founded Investing Women Angels in 2015, and around the same time, I founded AccelerateHER to accelerate the work of female entrepreneurs.

Now you are on CPI's Board, what are you focusing on?

I’m contributing to the future strategy and I’m looking for companies that would benefit from working with CPI, with a focus on Scotland; we offer fantastic opportunities for companies there; particularly now with the opening of the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre.

I can see fantastic potential for CPI Enterprises to do a lot in Scotland working alongside other investors and angel groups. Crucially, CPI’s scientists can provide due diligence, answering the question of will this company’s science work? Angel investors who are not scientists often struggle with this.

And finally on the people side, I’m on committees dealing with remuneration and nominations, which is so important because it’s the people that make this organisation great.

What made you realise you wanted to be a part of CPI?

My appointment came about because one of our angels asked me to circulate an advert for CPI non-execs. Then she tapped me on the shoulder and said, “… by the way, this includes you!” I was unsure initially because I don’t have a scientific background, but I soon realised that was precisely the point. I love that CPI is a diverse mix of people with different backgrounds. This organisation has fabulous people doing amazingly innovative work, and I’ve been blown away by everyone that I’ve met so far.

I’m so inspired by what CPI does and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.